GOVERNOR'S APPOINTEESREQUIRED TO APPEAREDMOND J. BLAGDON,Director,Division of Enterprise Information Services, Department of Corrections and RehabilitationJASON ELLIOTT,Member,Transportation CommissionZAHIRAH MANN, J.D.,Member,Transportation Commission____________________NOT REQUIRED TO APPEARMARK TONEY, Ph.D.,Member,State Bar Board of TrusteesCLOSED SESSION
Closed session pursuant to Section 7(c)(3) of Article IV of the California Constitution, Section 9029(a) of the Government Code, and Senate Rule 21.5(i).
GOVERNOR'S APPOINTEESREQUIRED TO APPEARDAVID LONG,Commissioner,Board of Parole HearingsMICHELE MINOR,Commissioner,Board of Parole HearingsEXCEL SHARRIEFF, J.D.,Commissioner,Board of Parole HearingsTROY TAIRA, J.D.,Commissioner,Board of Parole Hearings____________________NOT REQUIRED TO APPEARJOHN LAIRD,Commissioner,Pacific States Marine Fisheries CommissionCLOSED SESSION
Closed session pursuant to Section 7(c)(3) of Article IV of the California Constitution, Section 9029(a) of the Government Code, and Senate Rule 21.5(i).